Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Go follow Freaky Facts NOW!

If you don't follow FREAKY FACTS on Twitter or Facebook, go do so NOW. Here's some of the very strange but very interesting tidbits they throw your way:

The freaky part of being immobilized and tied down, makes your sexual pleasure way more intense.

Humans and dolphins are the only mammals that have sex for pleasure.

Sex is the safest tranquilizer in the world. It is 10 times more effective than valium!

The Ramses brand condom is named after the great pharaoh Ramses II who fathered over 60 children.

Men often fantasize about a sexual encounter with 2 or more women at the same time. Only 9% will succeed.

"3 in every 5" women own or will purchase a Vibrator/Sex Toy in their lifetime.

Only 25% of women will experience a nerve shaking orgasm. Very few men are capable of giving a woman one.

The left testicle usually hangs lower than the right for right-handed men. The opposite is true for lefties.

More STD's are transferred through oral sex than sexual intercourse.

A woman's desire for sex may change with time, but overall they are just as sexual as men.

85% of all men lie about their Penis size. But, why lie...she's going to see how small it is eventually.

Studies have found that the greater the orgasm, means the deeper the sleep. Make sure you get YOURS!

Women are most likely to want rough hardcore sex while they're ovulating.

The female genitalia has four Erogenous Zones: The clitoris, the U spot, the G spot and the A spot.

Sexual Orgasms boost infection fighting cells in your body up to 20%, which helps keep you in good shape.

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