Sunday, May 23, 2010

The deal with dented cans

My girlfriend and I dropped by the store yesterday after doing some serious shopping.  I didn't do the whole "gotta get everything on my list" like she did, but I did pick up a few things.  One of which was a can of peach halves. (Place halves in pan, put a dab of butter on the pit dent, sprinkle with cinnamon sugar, and broil until lightly brown.  YUM!  Great little dessert!)

Anyhoo, my friend remarked I had picked up a dented can.  "So?" I asked.

"So, the contents could be compromised," she stated.

I'd never heard of such a thing.  I'd been raised to believe there was no difference.  And, besides, sometimes the store marked down the dented ones.  But once I got home, I did a little checking, and my friend was right.  You have no way of knowing if the contents of the can are now exposed to a miniscule amount of air, and therefore germs, from a crack or hole you can't see.

If you want to know more, go to Sweet Tater and read up on it like I did.

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